If you’re not happy at work, the answer may not be a new company or manager. The problem may be the work. Even if it looks good on paper, your personality does not suit.

“Two people in the same profession may have entirely different knowledge and needs for what really satisfies a work,” said Kelly Tieger, co-author of “Do What You Are: Discover the perfect career for you through the mysteries of personality” in 1992. (the newly updated sixth edition will be available April 13). “Not every work is the same or every individual can satisfy. All this is because we’re all wired differently.”

Know Your Kind

Tieger suggests understanding the kind of Myers-Briggs in order to find a job that fits your personality. The personality test recognizes your weaknesses and strengths and places you in one of 16 styles. You may have taken it at school or in a work screening. Although you have to pay a licensed practitioner for the official Myers-Briggs examination, a similar free version can be found online.

Big Five personality traits - Wikipedia
  • You can also make a well-trained guess by drawing on your four-dimensional preferences.
  • How you communicate and focus your energy with the world: Extrovert(E) or Introvert (I)
  • Of course, the type of details you notice: Intuition or Sensing (S) (N)

How you decide: think (T) or feel (F)

If you choose to live in a more organised way, by judging (J), or by taking knowledge spontaneously, Perception (P).

Personality Traits & Personality Types: What is Personality? | Live Science

Your form is created by the combination of letters like INTJ or ESTP. By reading the descriptions online, you can check your form.

Your type of personality can help suggest work satisfaction with some roles. “Some types of personalities are better suited to those roles, but each branch has something for all,” says Tieger.


Psychologist David Keirsey claims that one of the four personality types is:

  • Traditionalists: ESTJ, ISTJ, ESFJ, ISFJ
  • Experiencers: ESTP, ISTP, ESFP, ISFP
  • Idealists: ENFJ, INFJ, ENFP, INFP
  • Conceptualizers: ENTJ, INTJ, ENTP, INTP

According to Tieger, individuals of the same temperament appear to share those core values which can be associated with prosperity in various working environments.

The “Sensing Judges” traditionalists trust evidence and proven data and prefer a formal, organised universe. They respect safety, ownership, rules and compliance. A good job for a traditionalist could entail a reasonably high degree of accountability and a strong command chain. Typically, traditionalists make strong administrators and leaders.

Personal Values and Personality at Work | Principles of Management

Experiencers, who are “perceivers of sensing,” focus on the senses. They are open to options and prefer versatility. Autonomy, variety and action are a fine work for an experimenter. They are also a “firefighter” in an enterprise that sees and reacts to crises.

Idealists, who are “intuitive senses,” seek meaning and relationships, and decide on their beliefs. They are excellent at settling disputes and making people work more efficiently together. An idealist’s good work is one in which they find value rather than routine personally.

Conceptualizers, who are “intuitive thinkers,” is also looking for a sense, but making rational decisions with it. They look at the large picture and are imaginative. Good work for a conceptualizer may be one that offers independence and a chance to generate ideas. (My guy is INTJ, which is probably why I’m a writer for my career.)

The Wrong Career Choice

Although you can think that you naturally have a career that matches your personality, the reality is that when you seek work, people come with their baggage, Tieger says, adding, “We bring our families’ aspirations. We are constantly given messages throughout our childhood about what we should do. These are normally good intentions of loving families and counselors, but they can lead to the wrong decision.”

If you are unhappy at work, the first step is to realise that this must not be the way it is and that the transition cannot be dramatic. “You can remain in the same industry and pivotal tasks or style of job,” says Tieger. “The pandemic made workers by definition more versatile and allowed employees the opportunity to pause and reflect. You may take on additional responsibilities or move to a more appropriate job.”

What is “Personality”? ~ EduGyan: A Platform For Learning

Although your form of personality doesn’t change over time, it evolves. “What could have been satisfactory in your 20s could shift the older you are,” said Tieger. “We’re all on a normal path to a more balanced life. Carl Jung said both of us strive for equilibrium. The objective of self-actualization is to strive for harmony and integrity. When we grow older, we hope to cultivate aspects of ourselves that we haven’t grown before.”

Now is the right time to take advantage of the moment, says Tieger. “Ask yourself, what’s my work like? Is there room to advocate for a change? Self-knowledge is incredible, so no one is going to do the job for you.”

Also Read: How to Measure Strategic Initiatives Effectively…Tackling the Harsh Times

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