I think that waiting must be the cusp of the most unpleasant emotions, but it is also a more typical person, on the other hand, it is a clear sign of existence. Who waits, lives. Who waits, hope …
Important leaders are those who know how to wait. For example, they won’t despair of employees suddenly maturing or providing complete evidence that they are capable of making extraordinary decisions overnight. No, they have the ability to wait for them until they begin to bear their fruits gradually and gradually. Because to form others is to set an example, point the way, inspire others, and at the same time allow others to take the first step and be able to stumble there.

Impatient leaders do not show up because they demand immediate results. And they are terrible in choosing a successor. Generally speaking, they tend to prefer those who are most similar to them and allow themselves to be guided only by the recognition mechanism. They do not know how to distinguish important collaborators if they are shy or have not found a way to make themselves visible before their eyes.
We cannot advance the process at will. This is not the case with people!
On the other hand, leaders must also learn to wait for strategies to develop on the ground. It’s a great thing for the team to go from one place to another, because one Monday they told them something because it didn’t work right away, they changed it and the following week it was the same.
Waiting is a promise of “concurrency”. In other words, every time you design a strategy or examine a new idea, you must take it into the real world and observe its own dynamics. When things cannot be resolved immediately, we must wait rather than torture ourselves with orders: “If it doesn’t work, we must turn the wheel quickly.” No more. The best leaders will make decisions quickly, but they won’t keep moving the wheel! In recent years, the word “active” has become popular, causing many people to think that to do this you have to jump around all the time. This is not driving, gentlemen …
Let me also say, wait … There is nothing passive … What Gandhi said, but he used subtle but poignant additions. Profound words and gestures carried out a vigorous revolution.
Hustle and bustle, continuous movement, and dramatic performances do not help you pretend to be a different leader. This type of occupation that always occupies the center of the scene prevents the employee from becoming the true protagonist of the organization. The supposed leader must take this into account and advocate to be in the corner every day, helping his people and waiting for them, if that day he does not want or does not have enough strength to fight.
Respecting waiting, it is possible to accompany, contain, support, listen and be with others, and other people’s time may not coincide with mine. And I am not the one who forces them.
But waiting is a kind of vigilance, in case something disturbs that tranquility because of course, the world is not static or predictable. But did you know Only if you get a good night’s sleep will you be able to react quickly. That is, for a leader to act and find the best way in his reality, he must learn to wait, tolerate silence, doubt, discomfort … If he cannot sleep at night, because of his worries The heart is wrapped in nightmares, so the best way is to teach him to wait.
Finally, I would like to emphasize the learning situation of waiting.
Anyone, for example, who starts a career or buys a book and takes a new course to read, knows clearly that he will not be able to achieve any purpose without a period of time. Therefore, waiting people are open to learning, children are so important (in fact, many studies believe that learning ability is the key ability to survive in future work in the next ten years).
Practical exercise
What can we do to improve this art of patience?
I think it is important to start from scratch. Do not use naive arguments to minimize the problem, such as: “If I want to improve my leadership, I should communicate better with others” or “Learning Excel is more useful to me than waiting …”. Let me reiterate: if you don’t know how to wait, it will be difficult for you to achieve any results.
So, analyze our attitude on this matter. Specifically, if I consider myself a person who is difficult to wait or only waits under certain circumstances. The quick answer is not worth it here (don’t be fooled by your own symptoms).
Take a moment to think. Sit in a comfortable place, take a blank sheet of paper, and write down all the situations that impact you, those situations in which you find it difficult to wait without thinking.
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