What artists and entrepreneurs see is something that no one else can see. As an entrepreneur, he has worked with over 450 artists across diverse identities, so I am well aware of the fact that we all have a vision. For these two types of people, there is basically no possibility: a blank canvas, a humble marble, an undeveloped space, or an unsuitable market niche.
These are five other ways for entrepreneurs and artists.

A very wholesome meme about all the different types of artists :  gatesopencomeonin

They knew their ideas were valuable.

The myth that the Bohemian Romantic painter was unable to create a successful company as part of his career is unfounded and dangerously long-lived. Although there are indeed some isolated cases, such as Van Gogh, most talented artists have benefited from their creative ability and intuitive entrepreneurship.

For example, take Michelangelo Buonarroti, one of the most famous artists of the Renaissance. Although his skills are undeniable, he is confident in his willingness to cooperate with others, able to attract clients like Medici (equivalent to any angel investor), and then attract churches (more like venture capitalists), and Take a huge risk (he was worried that he would fail when he was commissioned to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, but he accepted the job anyway. In addition, he went from sculpting sculptures to painting murals.

In the last years of his life, He even personally took on the work of restoring St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican, in fact, an architect. When Michelangelo died, he left a wealth of 50,000 Florin, which is equivalent to today’s 50 million U.S. dollars.

They rely on their own creativity.

Companies succeed or fail based on the creativity of their leaders. When the founders are creative, they can enter the market with the most innovative companies, find solutions to problems large and small, adjust if necessary and adapt to the current situation.

artists also depend on their creativity more than anyone else. They must create original works and attract certain collectors. As in all industries, the same is true for artists who do not possess the best artistic talents but are full of creativity, creativity, and business acumen.

Is Steve Jobs the best coder or programmer? not. But he is a visionary and creative marketer who can figure out how to make the impossible happen. Is Andy Warhol the best painter? no. But he is an excellent executor of ideas.

They believe in their intuition

Everyone is completely intuitive, but some of us believe in intuition more than others. Without intuition, it is difficult to survive as an entrepreneur or artist.
outstanding entrepreneurs will be guided by intuition. The more we use this skill, the more we will learn to recognize its signals. Whether looking for investment opportunities or instinctively knowing that the next move will be in front of the canvas, artists and entrepreneurs are aware of their sixth sense and avoid guesswork.

They feel comfortable with ambiguity

Being an artist and entrepreneur has a lot to do with managing uncertainty. For both groups, ambiguity is an opportunity to change or take advantage of new sources of income. It is our ability to adapt, to change quickly, and to embrace “not knowing” that allows us to always adjust our course even in the most difficult situations.

For example, the great Spanish artist Joan Miró has gone through many different stages in his career, from the portrait of a model posing for him to the certain point that he uses only abstract and amorphous forms to explain That’s it. Miró is famous for repeatedly saying that he doesn’t know what will happen or what he will end up in front of the canvas.

They are interdisciplinary thinkers.

If you want to be an artist or an entrepreneur and to be successful, you must always connect those invisible points together. This happens only when people focus on various fields and curiously investigate what seems interesting or obscure.
The most important connection between business and art is the connection produced by the integration of unrelated disciplines. For example, the combination of sports medicine and technology has led to the creation of wearable technology that can measure pace, heart rate, sleep cycles, and other important indicators that want to improve health.

Similarly, the most interesting works of art are those in which the artist has generated various interests. The Mona Lisa is accidentally not the most famous artwork in the world for a reason. It took Da Vinci over four years to complete, and the iconic figure in this small panel is the culmination of his many years of research on the interplay of anatomy, light and shadow, mathematics and geometry, physics, and even human psychology.

Whether you are an artist or an entrepreneur, these skills are reflected in people who have the ability to innovate, are tolerant of risks and uncertainties, are fully concerned about the environment around them, and are willing to operate flexibly and efficiently.

Also Read: Traits For Elon Musk’s Success

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