After ban of PUBG Mobile App in the Country several Indian game developers introduce India’s alternative to PUBG. One of the many developers is nCore, that announced the new Indian version of PUBG Mobile called Fearless And United – Guards (FAU-G). Fearless And United – Guards (FAU-G) is new upcoming multiplayer online action game. Bengaluru headquartered nCore Games has developed and internet entrepreneur Vishal Gondal has promoted this game. Even so the game will be available on Android as well as iOS both. This time the government has banned 118 China-based apps including PUBG and Tik Tok.

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Launching Of The Indian Game

FAU – G might release by the end of October 2020 in India. Moreover, the intention of game is to support Atmanirbhar Movement of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. In addition to this, actor/producer Akshay Kumar through his Instagram and Twitter Accounts has announced this game. As Actor Akshay Kumar is the son of an army officer. He is supporting the cause of Indian soldiers and was key in setting up the trust. Even so helped with the concept of the game, according to Gondal. Furthermore, Akshay Kumar and Vishal Gondal revealed that 20% of the net revenue generated from the game would be donated to Bharat Ke Veer trust. The trust gives homage and support to the country’s brave hearts.

Details Of The Game

Firstly, FAU-G game will be based on the backdrop of Galwan Valley incident. Moreover the team of nCore is working on development of military games since May-June 2020. Vishal Gondal revealed in an interview that FAU – G will not have a battle royale mode at launch. It is not replica of PUBG whereas it is action based game based on Indian soldiers. The game will lesson players about the sacrifices of Indian soldiers. Even so, game is presented on real scenarios encountered by the Indian Security Forces to deal with both domestic and foreign threats.

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“It is a matter of great pride to respond to PM Modi’s call and present the world a world-class game, which will not only help gamers in a virtual setting fight the forces of evil; but also positively contribute to nation-building by supporting our martyrs.”

Vishal Gondal – Founder and Chairman at NCore Games
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