Indian Startups are the main focus of the global market nowadays. Because of its great working potential as well as a lot of capital in the Indian market.
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Innovation in the field of technology is one of the major factor which attracts many foreign startups as well as multinational companies. Although in the year 2021, user interaction on app and games manufactured by Indian Startups are rapidly increased by 150 per cent which Google estimated.
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology together with Google initiates a program to support 100 startups from India. The program core aim is to help out startups in manufacturing apps and games.
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These startups are picked as well as selected from 400 different applications. MeitY and Google together will give them 6 months training through a specially made curriculum which will help these 100 startups for manufacturing finest apps which will work in global market.
These specially made curriculum consists of virtual webinars, advanced self learning material and counselling with professionals from local as well as global market.
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From which sectors are these Indian Startups ?
Startups which are part of this program are from various sectors like –
- Education
- Health
- Finance
- Social
- Ecommerce
- Gaming
- Entertainment
- Agriculture
- Business
- Sports
- Lifestyle
- Other essential service platform
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This initiative will help out this startups to became a global brand.
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