The job application process can be incredibly tiring and cumbersome, requiring non-stop cover letter writing, multiple rounds of one-hour interviews, and seemingly endless waiting times.
When a somewhat tempting offer appears, the candidate may feel helpless to accept it, just to complete the application process. However, at a time when the pandemic makes the job market uncertain and increases existing financial pressures, it is more important than ever to ensure that the jobs offered are appropriate.

Ask Questions to Improve Your Leadership
According to Karin Borchert, CEO of Modern Hire, the first thing to do is to ask the right questions during the interview.

Although interviews are a good way for employers to better understand how their experience fits a particular position, it is also an opportunity to find out if the employer is compatible with you. Your responses to the closing interview questions indicate whether they will heed your concerns or needs if you decide to join your team.

Therefore, among the many responses that interviewees should pay attention to, the most important is: “Employers must be able to have a real answer to what [they] do to achieve work-life balance Especially when there are so many certainties and security issues and all of them, “Borchert said.
This is important and timely, for several reasons.

Last year, the labor consulting company Emtrain published a survey of 400,000 employees in 125 companies, showing that toxic workplaces are common, with at least a third of employees leaving the company due to “labor disputes.”Well, one should expect that the problems found in toxic work environments will only amplify during the pandemic, especially when many people (especially baby boomers) have been working from home and found out at a reasonable time. Then asking about work-life balance solved a serious problem that continues to plague most employees today.

This question can also help you understand the empathy of employers.

A considerate employer understands that achieving the right work-life balance means more than providing enough vacation days. It also means being flexible, allowing employees to resolve unforeseen situations, and giving them peace of mind.

“We have been in a [pandemic] for some time, and mental health and work environments are toxic,” Bolchert said. “Therefore, if future employers really want a healthy working environment and realize the importance of work-life balance, they should have some answers.”

How employers answer your questions is also important. “If you are asking about working hours or flexibility, you want to feel good about these answers,” he added, urging job candidates to pay special attention to the interviewer’s body language. “You don’t want people to think that someone is evading answering questions, their answering methods are inconsistent, or depriving you of the opportunity to obtain more information.”

If you are still not satisfied with the interviewer’s answer, please ask if you can agree chat. This gives you the opportunity to obtain first-hand information about employers’ priorities for work-life balance in times of instability.
“In the response you get from potential employers, you must listen to your instincts,” Bolchert suggested. “You know there are some judgments and evaluations [in a sense] the people you interview are also applying.”

Also Read: Start Blogging And Make Money

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