“Glasses are too expensive. When one of us lost his glasses while backpacking, we were still students. The cost to replace them was so high that he passed his first place in graduate school without them. This semester, he narrowed his eyes. and complained. Others of us had similar experiences, and we were amazed at how difficult it was to find a great pair of frames that would keep our wallets from being exposed. Where are the options? “

This is just to inspire prescription glasses and sunglasses. Sun. Part of the history of the great retailer Warby Parker. This store sells products, motivates customers, yes! -Attract an enthusiastic workforce.

Talent management and professional coaching - Iberdrola

At Duffy Group, storytelling is an integral part of recruitment research, which is a five-step method for finding the best candidates for companies that need them. This includes “passive” candidates who may not plan to change careers, but if a good opportunity arises, they will be happy to accept it.

More than just a mission statement

Good stories evoke emotions and inspire action. Translated into business, they can help employees understand, accept and implement your company’s mission.

This is not to say that simply putting your company’s mission statement on your website will attract the best job candidates to your doorstep. Instead, you should describe why your team is very dedicated and satisfied with their work. Recently, our team helped a non-profit organization that serves children with special needs hire a new CEO. The board is more willing to hire people with children with special needs, which is a preference they will never include in a job description. In our story, we explain why this is important, and then submit it to our trusted network to find the ideal candidate for the position.

When there are multiple vacancies that need to be filled over time, a good story can also help. We use storytelling to help our credit union clients expand their management team and reduce their recruitment costs by explaining how the company values ​​customers and employees. Doing so helps us to establish a direct relationship with the candidates under test.

Storytelling is also essential in negotiations between clients and candidates, especially in highly competitive areas. In order to help a client of a law firm filed a lawsuit against a highly regarded senior tax accountant from a large accounting firm, we compiled a historical record of the firm and the candidates. The company offers growth based on knowledge, potential professional development, and 45 hours of work per week. Candidates hope to obtain various learning opportunities in a new field and possibly develop their careers. He also works 75 hours a week. This is a perfect game because it is possible to understand what each side values ​​the most.

Make a Compelling Narrative

Of course, it is not easy to inspire a candidate’s interest. This is where the “hiss” comes in. This is how we describe our clients and everything they provide, including how and why the team found their work satisfactory.

We first fill out a detailed enrollment form to understand our clients as much as possible. This includes the organizational structure and business goals of the company, the difference between the company and other companies in the industry, what the culture is like, and even the reasons why the company supports it in the community. Subsequent on-site visits may be made to get a first-hand look at how the company works, see the company workspace, and meet the people who work there.

Whether you are working with recruiters or managing recruiting internally, this process is inspiring. You may take flexible company working hours, remote business days, or community donations for granted, but these benefits can be differentiators.

With this wealth of information, you can formulate a recruiting strategy. In doing so, consider the information you collected during the discovery phase and the culture of the company and department. Take into account the steps are taken and the profile of the talent you want to hire. Then use your detective and sales skills to uncover hidden talents whose backgrounds, education, and experience match the needs of your company.

Also Read: First Jobs For To Be Entrepreneurs

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