One of my friends has a company about safe living and diet. She has a range of items – all focused on science and plant-based food – that people can easily follow and go on their way to better health.

In order to simplify the process, someone suggested that she “lead” her high-end programme. Not because it was the largest dollar sum (the honesty of those who work for this organisation is fantastic, so it’s not a matter of money at all), but because it’s just the best knockout for people.

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In other words, this high-end curriculum was the fastest way for people who were very serious about going on with their health goals.

But on the costly side, it was a little, and some people just didn’t have the money. As a consequence, my friend had several prospects telling her, “This is amazing, but I can’t afford it.”

“No problem,” she thought. She thought. “I’ll only have some cheaper choices if they say that — let people know they can start with some of my most simple packages.”

I asked her how much money she sold her goods.

“Well, for four months a high-end package is $225 a month,” she said, “and the simple package is $40, in four monthly installments again,” she replied.

“Wow!” I told you. “There is an enormous difference.”

The high end set contains shakes, food bars, four types of capsules, etc. It was designed for someone who really takes their health goals seriously.

The challenging aspect is that the company has three items, and if anyone doesn’t have the high-end kit available, there are solutions that can function completely. But it is almost difficult to get them back on the telephone after customers say “no.”

My friend has spent a lot of time trying to get people away from “no” and “yes,” instead of simply offering them a choice where they can say “yes” immediately.

She led her high-end product, and while I understand it is a good deal, it may not fit for certain people’s budgets, from a financial point of view. When you hear ‘no,’ then try moving to another, cheaper bundle to get a ‘yes.’ And that’s all right.

But in the mind of the consumer, they said no to the whole idea, rather than just a version of it. Obviously it was really difficult to get them to say “yes” right afterwards.

By introducing a medium choice and addressing all three at once, she could provide people with the option of saying “yes” at their most relaxed stage, rather than just what she felt would provide the quickest results.

And by bringing people in “yes” right away, one month or two later, she can still speak to them and see how things go and whether they want to upgrade their order. In this way, she does not use a lot of resources to get people to reverse their initial decision.

I see this all the time in other companies. We go into the sales process with a bid … what we think would work with the situation of someone else. And if we are correct, the prospective customer does not indicate that he knows it.

In those circumstances, you work up to yes. Instead, try to offer some choices where you can say yes – even from your point of view it’s not perfect. In the months ahead, you will then work with them as a customer to make them see the importance of what you said at first.

Or, to put it in a different way: first get people to “yes,” provide good service and go up.

It’s not only simpler and more attractive, but also more chances for people to work with you and your company, and what would be more rewarding than that?

Also Read: Good Clients For The Business

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