Becoming A Better Leader


My first memory of the noun, “tribe” was about 8 years old.

My grandfather grazed a church nestled in Jamaica, Queens, our lively culture. One winter morning, my Sunday school teacher, Mrs. High, drew up a themed lesson using the ancient African phrase: “A village takes a child to raise.” This idea I found interesting.

We spoke about the tribal composition from customs and elders to historians and healers. The lesson of Ms. High showed not only the combined strength of the group, efficiency, and affiliation. But also discussed how tribes can behave as prosperous practical communities (CoP), learn together and mitigate problems as they occur. Although this example is an early and edifying memory of an esteemed African heritage. There is also a clear relationship to entrepreneurship.

How To Be A Leader

As representatives of scaling organizations, we promote a sense of community. We also belong to all the team members that we hire. This is a serious responsibility that we should have for ourselves. It is also an important principle that is sometimes excluded from this debate – building our support system as leaders.

Who do you call if you need advice on making tough decision-making?

  • Who do you plan to disconnect and disconnect from Happy Hour on the weekend or explore tactics to overcome impostor syndrome?
  • Who can you reach as a mentor and “pull up as you climb?”
  • Your “tribe” is the answer to these questions

There are many racial and ethnic groups around the world. They have their own tribal structures which are distinct and vastly different from what Ms. High identified. But what stayed at the forefront of the memory is how we become stronger together as a people. Even with different responsibilities and experiences.

Evaluate your existing network

Who was the last person you called for advice outside your company?

Often we have people in our networks who have shown themselves to be true champions of our success. But we have not recognized them as such. You can maybe coordinate a “herbal verbal tea” monthly over the zoom or build a slack channel where you can exchange fruitful ideas with each other and seek bidirectional input.

Take your time

You have to visually delineate a map that shows your network. I am sure there are one to three supporters that are close to you. This is someone you have endured professional and life experience with. They can also continue to be active supporters of your leadership journeys.

Identify an experienced leader

If we are to identify someone who has a greater operation, it is highly likely that he will have less time than you.

You want to make sure you are deliberately meeting them. Your time is precious and therefore straightforward questions should be asked while dealing with them.

You perhaps need guidance about how to start your company in a new geographic market. This can also be to ask about the main lessons gained by raising the operating budget from 2 million to 200 million dollars. Regardless of the case, it is your tribal elders, and their wisdom is golden. Seek it.

Make sure you have a healer

All our travels are very different, but they present a particular set of obstacles that can distort or not our leadership lens properly. This can become a personal detrimental snowball. Your mental, physical and emotional well-being is also equally critical as your economic and professional health. They are interrelated.

Identify a therapist, fitness clinician, spiritual director, life coach, physical trainer, or someone who is able to help you become even more self-sufficient. Let’s call it the “healer.”

Take time for physical exercise, nutritious food and spend time with your loved ones. Ensure that you make the same investment in your team members and you make yourself as well. It depends on you to build your personal performance routines. What are they going to entail?

Learn with your collective members

Botha et al (2008) note that empowerment is essential to growth. When real implications are generated for the client and his or her practice group, the best learning environment is created. Now, our inability as leaders to reach key performance metrics in our company can have genuine professional effects that will inevitably impact our personal well-being.

The recent survey conducted by Muse Health Hand Sanitizer by 2,000 Americans shows that 65% of those interviewed said the COVID-19 epidemic offered a ‘wake-up call’ to enter their communities, for the first time with 52% in volunteering as a result of a pandemic.

What events do you intend to attend with your tribe as a group to explore a shared topic or learning opportunity?

Maybe the community discusses techniques for planning a forthcoming financial audit or new State rules to decide if the contractors should be part-time staff.

The main concept is that you explore these topics as a group of leaders—Members of your tribe who all focus on deliberate learning, the sharing and development of best practises, and the mutual progress of the process. This turn to your tribe also helps increase resilience.

How do you support other people in your tribe?

Like your tribal elders curating a list, remember that you are a younger leader in your party.

We were all given different social privileges based on race/ethnicity, gender, cognitive and physical ability, etc. I believe that it is necessary to use those privileges to be an ally/co-conspirator for someone who does not have the same status in society.

You have the rare opportunity to create a diverse tribe that gives everyone a chance and the freedom to lead a life full of options. There is something mutual about returning others as a central tribal attribute.

While these five components are not comprehensive steps in developing your business tribe, they provide essential building blocks to form your entire support network: What exists at the moment? Next, is what are the possibilities? What are your personal needs as a leader that you do not feel fulfilled?

You are the only one with the answers to these questions and your tribe will help you get the answers. The end is: a village needs to raise a chief.

Also Read: Tips For A Powerful Team

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