Building a Good Work Culture


When we talk about the various aspects that make an organization an ideal place to work, the main factors most of us consider are the organization’s brand equity and the compensation paid to employees. Most managers and senior professionals try to believe that these two elements are sufficient to attract talent to their organizations.

However, one of the most important things that we often fail to give due attention to is work culture, which usually plays a decisive role in retaining people and connecting people to the organization. Work culture is an invisible ecosystem that makes some places suitable for work, while others are toxic.Simply put, the ideology of an organization constitutes its work culture.

Culture: The Environment You Provide for People at Work

Affects or defines the ability of leaders and employees to communicate with each other for the common good of the organization and operate within mutually agreed and acceptable limits of cultural values ​​and emotional interfaces. It is well-known that a positive environment can determine your performance, whether in school, university or workplace.

No matter how talented and smart you are, you can use your creativity and skills in a supportive environment that values ​​human resources. This is why work culture is so important for employees to play their best role even in adverse circumstances. Negative emotions will not only stifle creativity and willingness to act but also prevent employees from having feelings and a sense of ownership for the organization. people are fundamentally simple and a positive work environment affects their thinking, behavior, and reflection.

Here are some reasons why the above questions can be answered:

The workplace is where you spend more than a third of your life. Naturally, if your employee feels happy and satisfied at work, this will be reflected in his overall personality and growth as a person. The collective impact of a good work environment goes far beyond improving productivity and employee satisfaction.

This influence influences the general personality of the person who works for the organization. Improve workplace loyalty Do your employees wake up every day and look forward to the day at work, or crawl into the workplace to count down the weekend? Do they have the same ownership and dedication to the organization as you? Only in places that value human resources, treat employees with confidence, and instill a sense of trust and cohesion among employees can the former be achieved.

Increase loyalists at your workplace

Employee evaluation and motivation may not always be sufficient to motivate employees to achieve the best results for the organization. Sometimes in extremely challenging situations, a collective effort is needed to save the day of the organization, and it turns out that employees’ love and affection for the workplace is the decisive factor. An organization whose employees have deep loyalty and a sense of ownership in their workplace is an organization that has a long way to go. . Employees who love the organization spread goodwill and are essential for attracting excellent human resources to the organization.

A key to retention

The key to talent retention A study conducted by Dale Carnegie Training a few years ago found that an alarming 54% of Indian employees are somewhat dissatisfied with their work. This sends a strong signal that organizations should adopt. Proactive measures to maintain engagement and increase satisfaction. Contrary to popular belief, compensation and evaluation are not the only factors that keep employees in contact with the organization for the longest time.

Whether employees feel happy and satisfied in the workplace is another determining factor. If a dissatisfied employee is questioned and accused by the elderly and bargained by colleagues gossip every day, even if he is well paid, he will be the first to seek another job opportunity. In addition to encouraging the elderly and their colleagues who support them, other factors that make an organization a good workplace include respect for employees’ private space (unless it is absolutely urgent, the policy of not disturbing them in free time indicates) and respect for their right to use vacation and encourage them to face new challenges and opportunities in their work.

Prompt employees to watch each others’ back

Work culture is important to an organization because it directly affects the ability to attract and retain talent. A positive workplace is reflected in the positive working relationships that exist in the workplace; care and genuine mutual care. A positive workplace will have a higher degree of employee engagement because employees respond proactively to the organization’s initiatives. Negativeworkplaces will be reflected in low-energy, self-contained work environments, with employees working in isolated silos. Remind employees to pay attention to each other Just as a compatible spouse makes your family life happy or unsatisfying, good colleagues make you’re work-life beautiful or difficult.

Although to some extent the behavior of employees towards each other depends on their nature and personal characteristics, many of them are defined by the way the organization configures them. A new employee joins the organization and observes the culture of cohesion among employees. In this culture, all employees help each other and will automatically absorb these values ​​in their daily lives. In contrast, in an organization where backstabs and fights are the norm, any new employee will adapt to these characteristics.

Prompt employees to watch each others’ back

Good work culture is a culture that encourages employees to act like family members and take care of each other. This kind of culture can only be established by seeking role models’ immoral values​​and setting an example. The responsibility lies with the leader because their behavior is amplified and repeated many times. Demonstrating and rewarding positive behaviors reinforce expected behaviors and directly affect workplace culture.

Also Read: Creating Family-Friendly Workplace

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