“If You Always Do What You’ve Always Done, You’ll Always Get What You’ve Always Got.”
~ Henry Ford

This sentence symbolizes leaving our comfort zone. Do different things and get different things. Further, do something uncomfortable, achieve a new leap of faith, and try to take risks.
How many times have we longed for something and waited for it to magically appear?
We indeed want to be promoted without actually doing the necessary work. We also sometimes want to lose 20 pounds without evaluating our habits. Further, we want the love of our life to appear on the white horse and ride us towards the sunset.
Sometimes life works like this. And perhaps this is its inevitable result. However, no matter how long we wait, we can still make changes in the meantime.
The reality is that we must work hard to achieve this. Sometimes this work consists of listening to our own voices, paying attention to what our instincts are telling us. We also have to take risks, which makes us nervous or scared. Sometimes we must stop doubting and make a decision.
Think on it!! Have a great day…
Also Read: There Is Something Positive Always
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