You can have all the traffic in the world, but if you can’t convert the traffic into leads, you can’t create a funnel that can help you sell. Without sales, you cannot have income. Without income, you can no longer invest in traffic and lead generation.

Before trying to generate a track, you need a lead magnet. With things like free e-books or courses, you can attract leads to your business. After preparing these lead magnets, you can use a variety of different traffic sources to draw attention to the lead magnets.

How to Increase Your Website Traffic Without SEO

The following five traffic sources are where you can find people for your magnet. Some of these sources are free and some are paid, but I suggest you start with free traffic sources and then gradually develop to paid traffic sources.

Natural search traffic

Natural search traffic is traffic from search engines. You don’t need to pay for this traffic. Every search engine has paid listings in its search and free listings-if you make sure that your page appears in search results for specific keywords, you will be able to take advantage of a lot of traffic without having to pay for it.

The only problem with organic search traffic is that your landing page is not easy to rank in search engines. Search engines prefer pages with a lot of content and do not rank landing pages well.
You need to drive search traffic to blog pages, and then use online tools to convert visitors into potential customers. In order for your blog page to get good search traffic, it needs to have great content, backlinks, and good on-page search engine optimization.

Another way to get leading page traffic is paid search listings. Paid search listings cost money, but if you know how to convert leads into sales, you can pay for clicks. You can set up your paid search ads in Google Ads and other tools, where you can set up paid search ads on the Google search engine.

Every search engine has an advertising tool. Research different search engines to help you find products in market segments. You can also use these sources to advertise. The advantage of paid search traffic is that search engines will not hesitate to bring traffic to your homepage. Although it is difficult to rank the homepage in organic search, there is absolutely no problem with paid search. The only downside to
paid traffic sources is that you have to pay for them.

However, if you can get an ROI from your traffic, you can scale quickly. It can take weeks or months to start driving a large amount of organic traffic to your website, and paid search ads can expand quickly. You can increase from 1,000 visitors per day to 10,000 visitors per day overnight. You just need to increase your advertising budget.

Although search traffic is a good, high-quality source of traffic, there are two main shortcomings in search. If many advertisers are bidding on the same keywords and their traffic is limited by keyword search volume, the traffic can be expensive.

Display Ads

Display Ads are text and banner ads that you see on other websites. Many display ads are controlled by Google’s own network, but they are not the only type of display ads.
If you are a publisher and want to post ads on your website, you can sign up for the Google AdSense program and post ads on your website. (I don’t recommend using this method to monetize your traffic, because each visitor’s income will be very low.) Although I don’t recommend using display ads to monetize your website traffic, as an advertiser, this It is a good way to increase traffic. The benefits of
display advertising:

  • can take advantage of unlimited high-traffic sources.
  • Display advertising is cheap.
  • You can run display ads or text-based display ads.
  • You can use display ads to redirect. Disadvantages of
  • display ads: ads are shown to people who have no intention of buying.
  • CTR (click-through rate) will decrease
  • conversions will decrease

Sometimes your ads may get invalid clicks, but you still have to pay for them. These are robot clicks, not actual manual clicks.
People ignore display ads and they become less effective over time.
Now, let’s take a look at the different types of display ads.
Google Display Ads-Google Display Ads are a good source of traffic because they not only provide display ads but also text ads. When you run search ads on Google, you can also enable the Display Network. Google will serve both search ads and display ads (called screen selection search ads). Based on search queries, Google knows who is most likely to click on display ads, and only shows them ads.

These display ads are well-targeted and have a better click-through rate than general banner ads.

Facebook Advertising:

Facebook is one of the largest display advertising networks in the world. They advertise on the Facebook platform, but they also advertise on Instagram and other websites (called audience networks).

Also Read: Controversies Help Business Growth

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