You were awakened by the sound of police sirens. You look at your cell phone. It’s 7 o’clock in the morning, why doesn’t the alarm ring? Yes, it rang, but you didn’t hear it. You jump up from the bed and run to take a shower. He simply put on his tie, picked up his thermos of coffee and ran downstairs. You get on the bus at 7.30 in the morning and enter the surrounding traffic. Waze warns you that there was an accident that caused traffic to slow down for 20 minutes…

This is the daily routine of many of us, maybe not every day, but certainly more than one agrees with the first paragraph. The point is that when we grow up, our lives have always become solutions to unexpected problems and situations. By default, things beyond our control create stress.
So, although you should already know more than one technique to manage your bad moments, it is good to have all the possible tools to keep us focused on our objectives. Here are five very simple exercises, science shows that they can control tension well.

Stress Is A Key To Understanding Many Social Determinants Of Health |  Health Affairs

Learn to breathe in any situation to regulate yourself

Yes, breathe. Alan Watts, a Zen master in the 1970s, said that most of the secret to a happy life is learning to breathe properly and laugh as much as possible. Therefore, let us listen to the speech of Master Watts, at this very moment. Inhale as deeply as possible through your nose (I’m waiting for it to start). well. Now exhale as deeply as possible through your mouth.

How are you? It didn’t work, are you still the same? Repeat again, breathing in again as deeply as possible. Remember to blow through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Repeat this sequence up to 10 times. What still doesn’t work? Keep repeating the exercise, but now count the number of seconds you use to mentally inhale and exhale.

Do you want to do the same and not be so tired? Let your body relax

Extend your arms back for a moment, take a deep breath, and then release. Lean back in a chair for a moment, close your eyes and think of something that will relax you (the last time you went to the beach, your favorite song, the meeting of the best friends in your life).
How are you? better not? You can do it 3 times a day for 5 minutes each time and then continue your work.

Stop blaming your boss

You’re done. We all know that your boss is not the best person in the world, you have told us a million times. Don’t you realize that every time you repeat your terrible story, your brain will reproduce it in detail over and over again, you will feel frustrated and angry like the first time, and you will also produce more than then Stress hormones? Undo? Don’t you feel tired? Let’s see, one thing is that it is very necessary to vent, and the other thing is to make criticism the center of your life. If you can’t stand your boss, then resign. If the situation is good, stop hurting yourself.

Get rid of those that drain your energy

In all the self-help books you have read, they will definitely tell you. I’ll repeat it to you because this is one of the most important things in creating what I call collateral pressure. Walk away or remove from your life all the people who deprive you of your enthusiasm, desire to do things, tell you that you cannot, and feel sorry for you emotionally. I say relocation because often the people who make us feel bad are family members or very close people that you cannot get rid of.

But aside from these exceptions, if things don’t work, change the environment, it’s as simple as that. You are solely responsible for choosing the people around you, choosing those who bring you happiness rather than tension. The point here is that you want to find people who contribute to you, and you have the ability to create a personal core that can recharge you, and you can rely on it in tough times. Those with a solid core nearby have been shown to live longer and experience less stress.

Enjoy nature

“I just lived in Mexico City”, “I just don’t have time.” Wait wait wait. It is clear.
If you really can’t walk through the fields once in a while, or go to the park to step on some green space, then all you can do is create a pleasant environment where you spend most of your time. Talk to your colleague who is a connoisseur of feng shui and ask him to organize your office in an oriental style.

Find tutorials online to make your home easier, put on cold music, take the TV out of the room, tidy up the house a bit, so that it doesn’t look like a battlefield, talk to the decorator, and recreate it with soft colors Paint your office. Make your workplace a haven to help you relax, calm and recover.
If you can do these five exercises every day for a month, I guarantee your stress level will drop drastically.

Also Read: Make Money With Social Media

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